Events we support

  • FloCon provides a forum for exploring large-scale, next-generation data analytics in support of security operations. FloCon is geared toward operational analysts, tool developers, researchers, security professionals, and others interested in applying cutting-edge techniques to analyze and visualize large datasets for protection and defense of networked...

  • 13-14 June 2019, Rome More information

  • More information LACNIC – LACNOG one of the most important Internet events in the region that brings together experts and representatives of academia, civil society, the private sector, governments, and the telecommunications industry. The event will include tutorials and panels with renowned speakers who will...

  • CODE BLUE, hosted in Tokyo October 29 & November 2, 2018, is an international conference where the world’s top class information security specialists gather to give cutting edge talks, and is a place for all participants to exchange information and interact beyond borders and languages....

  • La trigésimo quinta edición del Congreso, SEGURINFO, promete continuar con sus aportes a la comunidad en un ámbito de creciente importancia a nivel mundial, como lo es la seguridad de la información. La intención de este evento, que organiza USUARIA desde el año 2005, es seguir...